Scene Cleaner & Optimiser
Thank you for using, Scene Cleaner & Optimize
First of all, it is very important to make a backup of your project before using, Scene Cleaner & Optimizer. The changes to the project are irreversible.
Scene Optimize & Cleaner, it is several tools to clean your scenes of everything that is useless and to check the objects, scripts, etc. And to clean your projects, to optimize your scenes, so your games.
To use, Scene Cleaner & Optimizer, go to the menu at the top, Tools/Blinformatque, then select the tool you want.

Tool: Project Cleaner
- Analyze Instant Prefabs:

A tool to check if the prefabs in the scene have not applied modifications and propose to apply or reset them.
2. Cleaning Up Lightmaps:

A tool to detect and delete lightmaps that are not used in the current scene.
3. Verification Import Settings:

Scene Cleaner & Optimiser
Tool: Scene Cleaner
- Find Broken Prefabs:

A tool to will be able to easily find and delete or recreate missing prefabs from your scene.
2. Find Duplicate Components:

A tool to detecting gamepjects that have double components that could be redundant or cause performance problems.
3. Find Inactive Objects:

A tool to detect and delete gamepjects that are disabled in the scene
4. Find Mispositioned Objects:

A tool to detect objects outside the scene limits or with incorrect transformations (eg infinite position, NaN).
5. Find Missing Colliders:

A tool to check if the objects that should have collision components really have them, and if not, report them.
6. Find Missing Prefabs Mesh:

A tool that would allow you to find the broken prefabs of the scene with the possibility of deleted them.
7. Find Missing Scripts on Prefabs:

A tool to find and manage the missing scripts on the GameObjects. Finding the gamepjects with missing scripts and allows you to delete them by one, or all at the same time.
8. Find Null References:

A tool to verify the components and script references to ensure that they do not point to null objects.
9. Find Unused Objects:

A tool to find and delete gamepjects which are not referenced by other objects or which are not used in the scene.
10. Validate Animator Configurations:

A tool to verify that all animators are properly configured and referenced.
Scene Cleaner & Optimiser
Tool: Scene Optimiser
- Find Cyclic References:

A tool to detect cyclical references between objects, which can cause performance problems and bugs.
2. Find Cyclic References:

A tool to verify that objects with LOD components are properly configured and optimized.
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